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customized training plans

Structured training is the key to achieve your goals.

For all levels of ability and targets. If you are just about to be an endurance sports person or already a long distance finisher.

My personal plans provide you with unusually efficient and powerful planning you need for “your race”.

Carefully configured and focused on essentials. Individually designed, high quality in every detail, powerful and focused on performance. Designed with respect to the demands of your professional and private life and keeping you healthy and free of injury. 

Even when your schedule for the week changes suddenly and the ideal plan won´t work out any more.

We´ll fix it and get you the training you need.

If you are training for a specific race looking for a efficient structure or just want to sustain your fitness- I´m happy to support you.

private coaching

Private Coaching in endurance sports, especially Triathlon& Running plans

Weekly or - if requested- daily adjusted training plan

Support by phone/ messenger/ email

Online Video analysis*


Remote or local Coaching*





* Subject of separate individual quotation

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